Buy New Club Rescue Boat Package: Rib, Zodiac, Newmatic Rigiflex, Searider @ Best Price
We have specialised in the supply of Rescue craft for all of the time we have been in business. We understand what is required of a craft and we can advise what type of boat is best suited to your requirements. The fundamental decision really is whether you go for an inflatable Rib or an all rigid craft.
The decision may well be one of cost and for sure the cost advantage is with the all rigid craft. BUT if you need sea keeping then the Rib will have the advantage.
The clear market leader for enclosed and sheltered waters is the Rigiflex Newmatic, they have craft at 360 - 370 - 400 and are suited to open boat use as well as with steering, either on a centre console or a rear off set steering unit.
These are likely to be "Cat C water" craft, suitable for inland and sheltered waters and due to their design have immense stability. Basically the hull profile will be "flat" as a V hull does not help stability at rest. There will be a bit of a V at the very bow but they quickly "slam" and provide a wet ride in the rough.
For pricing on Rigiflec Newmatic CLICK HERE
Rib's on the other hand are ALL ABOUT sea keeping, the stability is in the tubes so they can have a V hull and suffer no loss of stability at rest. The Soft side of the craft also more casualty friendly than a hard boat.
All Ribs can be used for Rescue work but Manufacturers like XS RIBS specialise in this market place so they are worth looking at. XS RIBS WEBSITE Not all Ribs have to have a console.
You can have open tiller steer craft and as they have the buoyancy in the tubes the sides will be lower than those of a solid boat of the same size.
A soft bottom craft is an option, ie like a Rib but no hard hull. These craft "pack away" and the clue is in the pack away bit. They are fragile compared to a hard hull inflatable so if you do not need to pack them away they may not be durable enough for rescue use.
There are also spcialist craft that may well suit your application liker the Pioner Multi.
This craft has a drop down bow that allows recovery of a casualty, it will have better sea keeping than an "open dinghy" but is not equal to a Rib in that respect.